
The information given here is provided by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, I.M.A., for comparative purposes and as a service to mineralogists working on new species. Each mineral is described in the following format: IMA No. Chemical Formula Any relationship to other minerals Structure analysis Crystal system, space group Unit-cell parameters Color; luster; diaphaneity Optical properties Strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern The names of these approved species are considered confidential information until the authors have published their descriptions or released information themselves. No other information will be released by the commission. IMA No. 2003-001 (Ba,Ca,K,Na,Sr)5Al9Si27O72•22H2O Ba-dominant analogue of heulandite Structure determined Monoclinic: C 2/ m a 17.738, b 17.856, c 7.419 A, β 116.55° Colorless to white, rarely very pale yellowish white; vitreous, pearly; translucent to transparent Biaxial (+), α 1.5056, β 1.5064, γ 1.5150, 2 V (meas.) 38°, 2 V (calc.)34.1° 7.94(66), 5.12 (59), 4.65(66), 3.978(97), 3.181(56), 2.973(100), 2.807(65) IMA No. 2003-002 Na(Ba,Sr,Na,REE)PO4 Ba-dominant analogue of olgite Structure determined Trigonal: P 3 a 5.549, c 7.032(2) A Light-green; vitreous; transparent Uniaxial (–), ω 1.628, e 1.623 7.04(22), 3.964(60), 2.839(100), 2.774(100), 2.344(20), 1.984(40), 1.611(26) IMA No. 2003-003 Ba2Zn(Ti,Nb)4(Si4O12)2(O,OH)4•7H2O Labuntsovite group, kuzmenkoite subgroup Structure determined Monoclinic: Cm a 14.381, b 13.889, c 7.793(2) A, β 117.52° Pale brown (light coffee-colored); vitreous; transparent Biaxial (+), α 1.683, β 1.692, γ 1.795, 2 V (meas.) 30°, 2 V (calc.) 34.5° 6.95(37), 6.39(10), 4.91(6), 3.194(100), 3.101(22), 3.050(8), 2.906(6) IMA No. 2003-004 (Cu,Fe)(Re,Mo)4S8 Cubic: F 43 m a 9.563 A Black; metallic; opaque In reflected light: bluish-green, no internal reflections, isotropic. R (air): 38.2 (470 nm), 37.9 (546 nm), 37.4 (589 …

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