
This New Mineral Names has entries for 13 new minerals, including bubnovaite, cairncrossite, ferraioloite, fontarnauite, grundmannite, kayrobertsonite, magnesio-ferri-fluoro-hornblende, melanarsite, nickeltsumcorite, sanguite, silicocarnotite, vanadium, and wernerkrauseite. # Bubnovaite* {#article-title-2} L.A. Gorelova, L.P. Vergasova, S.V. Krivovichev, E.Yu. Avdontseva, S.V. Moskaleva, G.A. Karpov, and S.K. Filatov (2016) Bubnovaite, K2Na8Ca(SO4)6, a new mineral species with modular structure from the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka peninsula, Russia. European Journal of Mineralogy, 28(3), 677–686. Bubnovaite, (IMA 2014-108), ideally K2Na8Ca(SO4)6, is a new mineral found in fumaroles of the 2012–2013 Tolbachik fissure eruption, Kamchatka peninsula, on the new cinder Naboko cone. The samples of bubnovaite were found in a cavity on the NNE flank of the cone at the depth of 30 cm. The temperature of gases at the sampling location was more than 500 °C. The mineral forms fine-grained, light blue, dendritic aggregates, consisting of colorless, transparent, tabular crystals of maximum dimension 0.14 mm, that were recovered with the aid of a long stick and metallic cap to grab samples from the fumarole vent. Bubnovaite is associated with aphthitalite, (K,Na)3Na(SO4)2, and thenardite, Na2SO4. Crystals of bubnovaite are brittle with a white streak and a vitreous luster. Hardness and density were not measured due to the lack of suitable material. The expected Mohs hardness is 2–3; D calc = 2.656 g/cm3. The mineral is unstable in air and becomes white and non-transparent …

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