
In our study, not only the P-QRS-T waves but also the micro-wavelets before QRS complex (in P wave and PR segment) and after QRS complex (ST segment and upstroke of T wave) were first to be identified on surface electrocardiogram in human by the “new electrocardiogram” machine (model PHS-A10) according to conventional 12-lead electrocardiogram connection methods. By comparison to the conventional electrocardiogram in 100 cases of healthy individuals and several patients with arrhythmias, we have found that the wavelets before P wave theoretically reflected electrical activity of sinus node and the micro-wavelets before QRS complex may be related to atrioventricular conduction system (atrioventricular node, His bundle and bundle branch) potentials. Noninvasive atrioventricular node and His bundle potential tracing will contribute to differentiation of the origin of wide QRS and the location of the atrioventricular block. We also have found that the wavelets after QRS complex may be associated with phase 2 and 3 repolarization of ventricular action potential, which will further reveal ventricular repolarization changes.

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