
Isolation of meristematic tissue of the red alga Palmaria palmata by a freezing–thawing method and further maintenance of the tissue in culture showed the existence of groups of meristematic cells in superficial cortical layers of thallus forming wart-like outgrowths. For the first time, proliferations (plantlets) were obtained from meristematic tissue of sporophytic and male gametophytic fronds and tetraspores from submeristematic tissue of sporophytic fronds within a short period (6 weeks). Tissue fragments (1 × 1 mm 2) from upper margins of fresh thalli and cell aggregates (10−100,000 cells) from marginal meristem and meristematic warts of fresh thalli and thalli after the freezing–thawing procedure were cultured for getting plantlets. Tissue fragments (TF) and cell aggregates (CA) from submeristematic tissue of fresh thalli were cultured for obtaining tetraspores. For mass getting proliferations (plantlets) and tetraspores we recommend to use CA from marginal tissue of fresh fronds because of fast growth, high numbers of proliferations and simple techniques of the method. The freezing–thawing method allows also to identify meristematic tissue and to obtain plantlets of red algae with apical meristem (e.g., Gelidium spp.).

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