
RPCA (Robust Principal Component Analysis) recovers sparse and low rank components from the original observation data, RPCA commonly uses ADM (Alternate Direction Method) for solving, the efficiency of algorithm depends on the nuclear norm optimization solution, that is SVD. And the application of RPCA in computer vision, image and video and so on, large amounts of data, such as images and video, make it difficult for large-scale data SVD. In this paper, we used the random matrix algorithm to improve the SVD, respectively the Count Sketch algorithm, the Prototype Randomized k-SVD algorithm and the Faster Randomized k-SVD algorithm, The main idea is to reduce the size of the original large-scale data matrix and sample randomly. Using the random projection algorithm to obtain an approximation of the original matrix, and operate QR decomposition of the approximate matrix, get the unitary matrix corresponding to the approximate matrix, and do the corresponding SVD, finally we can get the results which is similar to the original matrix calculation. Obtaining approximation of the original data matrix. But the cost time and space have been greatly optimized. Simulation experiments based on single image and video foreground detection show that the proposed methods can greatly improve the efficiency of RPCA iterative optimization.

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