
Abstract In the last years close-range photogrammetric scanning systems, are acquiring a larger market share. This is due to low-cost hardware, components and to new user-friendly software. The ultimate, photogrammetric 3D scanning systems are very accurate and precise because, of the high-resolution cameras (over 10 Mpixels) they are equipped of and, the more precise algorithms of their software. The calibration phase is the primary step for the development of a, precise photogrammetric scanner. Through a good calibration it is indeed, possible to eliminate optical aberration issues and to obtain precise and, accurate three-dimensional measurements. In this study a powerful, calibration method, named full-field calibration, was implemented to, obtain high-precision values, using an original three-dimensional, calibrator, developed so as to increase the performance of this type of, calibration. Prior to using any measurement or 3D scanning system, precision and, accuracy have to be assessed. In this study a robust validation method, for photogrammetric scanning systems has been proposed. The validation, procedure consisted in: (1) operator error analysis, (2) reproducibility, error-analysis, (3) control-system error analysis, (4) scanning system, error analysis., The measurements taken using the “control system” (certified equipment in, terms of precision and accuracy) were considered as “gold standard”. The, photogrammetric measurements, subsequently obtained by the scanning, system, were aligned to the “gold standard” using Procrustes, registration. The system error was expressed as the displacement between, these two sets of measurements.

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