
Friction-free 3-point bending has become a common test-method since the VDA 238-100 plate-bending test [1] was introduced. According to this test the criterion for failure is when the force suddenly drops. It was found by the author that the evolution of the cross-section moment is a more preferable measure regarding the real material response instead of the force. Beneficially, the cross-section moment gets more or less a constant maximum steady-state level when the cross-section becomes fully plastified. An expression for the moment M is presented that fulfils the criteria for energy of conservation at bending. Also an expression calculating the unit-free moment, M/Me, i.e. current moment to elastic-moment ratio, is demonstrated specifically proposed for detection of failures. The mathematical expressions are simple making it easy to transpose measured force F and stroke position S to the corresponding cross-section moment M. From that point of view it’s even possible to implement, e.g. into a conventional measurement system software, studying the cross-section moment in real-time during a test. It’s even possible to calculate other parameters such as flow-stress and shape of curvature at every stage. It has been tested on different thicknesses and grades within the range from 1.0 to 10 mm with very good results. In this paper the present model is applied on a 6.1 mm hot-rolled high strength steel from the same batch at three different conditions, i.e. directly quenched, quenched and tempered, and a third variant quench and tempered with levelling. It will be shown that very small differences in material-response can be predicted by this method.

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