
New mechanisms for the communication of supersymmetry breaking via gauge interactions are introduced. These models do not require complicated dynamics to induce a non-vanishing F term for a singlet. The first class of models communicates supersymmetry breaking to the visible sector through a “mediator” field that transforms under both a messenger gauge group of the dynamical supersymmetry breaking sector and the standard model gauge group. This model has a distinctive phenomenology; in particular, the scalar superpartners should be heavier than the gaugino superpartners by at least an order of magnitude. The second class of models has a phenomenology more similar to the “standard” messenger sectors. A singlet is incorporated, but the model does not require complicated mechanisms to generate a singlet F term. The role of the singlet is to couple fields from the dynamical symmetry breaking sector to fields transforming under the standard model gauge group. We also mention a potential solution to the μ problem.

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