
We report on recent results of our program to measure photospheric magnetic field strengths and filling factors from the analysis of unpolarized high spectral resolution and S/N line profiles. We have analyzed spectra obtained with the KPNO 4-m FTS, the MMT, and the McMath Reticon Spectrograph. With the latter instrument we now have an extensive data set through our synoptic and survey observing programs. Photospheric magnetic field parameters are obtained by comparison of observed and theoretical line profiles using an LTE code that includes line saturation and the full Zeeman pattern. We determine the nonmagnetic line broadening parameters for a star by fitting profiles of low Landé g lines formed under conditions similar to the high g lines which are used to infer magnetic fields. The effects of line blending are cancelled to first order by fitting profiles of the same high g lines in comparison inactive stars of the same spectral type. We have measured field parameters (outside of starspots) in dwarf stars of spectral type GO to dM3.5e (Ad Leo). We find a trend of increasing field strength with later spectral type, consistent with equal gas and magnetic pressure in the photosphere, and a trend of increasing filling factor with activity. Our data are inconsistent with the hypothesis of a constant number of magnetic flux tubes on active stars.

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