
view Abstract Citations (1) References Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS New Measurements of Absolute Fe I and CR I gf Values in the Near-Ultraviolet and Their Astrophysical Implications. Huber, Martin ; Tobey, Frank Abstract Measurements of oscillator strengths obtained by the absorption technique from shock-heated gas are described. The influence of line emission and line broadening on the measurements is discussed. Thirty-eight Fe I and four Cr I gj values of lines lying between 3150 and 3780 A have been determined. The results show disagreements on the absolute and relative scales with the oscillator strengths obtained from an open arc by Corliss and Warner (1966, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stds. 70A, 325), and Corliss and Bozman (1962, Natl. Bur. Stds. Monogr. Xo. 53). The shock tube gf values of Fe and Cr are lower than the arc results by a factor of 8 and 4.4, respectively. A comparison of the arc and shock tube results as a function of upper excitation energy of the lines reveals a discrepancy resembling closely the normalization function imposed on the arc data. It is suggested that this normalization function be changed in the case of Fe I and Cr I for upper excitation potentials exceeding 48 000 cm-'. In conclusion, the astrophysical implications of these findings are discussed. Publication: The Astronomical Journal Pub Date: 1967 DOI: 10.1086/110573 Bibcode: 1967AJ.....72T.804H full text sources ADS |

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