
There is a review of floral studies of the water bodies in Minsk Region and National Park “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”. 75 new locations of 20 rare aquatic and riverside plant species coming at the water and 1 hybrid were found. 7 of these species are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, 5 species are included into the category of Least Concern and Data Deficient. Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber, Utricularia minor L., Potamogeton acutifolius Link, P. nodosus Poir., Salvinia natans (L.) All. are reported for the first time from National Park «Belovezhskaya Pushcha». The spreading of Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville on the territory of National Park is considered in detail. New locations of Nuphar pumila (Timm) DC., Ranunculus kauffmannii Clerc., Najas major All., Berula erecta, Glyceria lithuanica (Gorski) Gorski, Conioselinum tatari­ cum Hoffm. in Minsk Region, which were not included in 4th edition of the Red Book, have been described. A brief description of habitat environmental conditions is given for the revealed species of aquatic plants, and their phytocoenotic confinement is also pointed out. New information on the locations of protected aquatic plant species should be used to monitor their populations and prepare the documents of protection.


  • There is a review of floral studies of the water bodies in Minsk Region and National Park “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”. 75 new locations of 20 rare aquatic and riverside plant species coming at the water and 1 hybrid were found. 7 of these species are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, 5 species are included into the category of Least Concern and Data Deficient

  • The spreading of Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville on the territory of National Park is considered in detail

  • New locations of Nuphar pumila (Timm) DC., Ranunculus kauffmannii Clerc., Najas major All., Berula erecta, Glyceria lithuanica (Gorski) Gorski, Conioselinum tatari­ cum Hoffm. in Minsk Region, which were not included in 4th edition of the Red Book, have been described

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НОВЫЕ МЕСТОНАХОЖДЕНИЯ РЕДКИХ И ОХРАНЯЕМЫХ ВИДОВ РАСТЕНИЙ ВОДНЫХ ЭКОСИСТЕМ МИНСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ В результате флористических исследований водных объектов Минской области и Национального парка «Беловежская пуща» обнаружено 75 новых местонахождений 20 видов (1 гибрида) редких водных и заходящих в воду береговых растений. На территории Минской области описаны локалитеты Nuphar pumila (Timm) DC., Ranunculus kauffmannii Clerc., Najas major All., Berula erecta, Glyceria lithuanica (Gorski) Gorski, Conioselinum tataricum Hoffm., не вошедшие в 4-е издание Красной книги. Л. Новые местонахождения редких и охраняемых видов растений водных экосис­тем Минской области и Национального парка «Беловежская пуща» / К.

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