
One hundred twelve mosses are reported from Hawaii with 78 as new additions to the individual floras of the six larger islands. Eighteen species previously known from a single island have been found on other islands. Glossadelphus, previously known only from Maui, is reported from Kauai, Oahu, and Molokai. Recent contributions to the Hawaiian moss flora (Crosby, 1965; Hormann, 1964; Schultze-Motel, 1962) have supplemented known distributions within the islands since Bartram's publications (1933, 1939, 1942, 1952). The few new additions to the individual island floras indicate that mosses from easily accessible localities are now fairly well known. This report is based primarily upon collections made by Dr. Otto Degener in somewhat isolated parts of the islands of Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, and Hawaii during 1950-1955. Degener was assisted in much of this work by Miss Amy B. H. Greenwell and others. Because of the abundance of duplicate gatherings in Degener's material, only a few representative collections are cited from each station. These and portions of all other collections cited have been deposited in the Miami University Harbarium, with a representative series in the New York Botanical Garden, the University of Massachusetts, and the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, as requested by the collector. Some private collections were made available to supplement this report and permission to cite these is acknowledged, for they fill distributional

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