
Introduction. The article contains the analysis of democracy in today’s environment under the influence of the ideology of new liberalism and globalism pursued by the governments of the EU, subject to the migration and civilizational factors. Materials and methods. The research methodology includes general scientific and specific methods of investigation into political and social phenomena and tendencies such as systematic and structural analysis, the synthesis of social and legal studies, comparative legal methods, etc. The article is aimed at studying the perspectives of the future development of democratic institutions in terms of economic, political, demographic and confessional transformations. Research results. As a result of the analysis, the authors conclude that under the influence of the recent political and demographic transformations, the European democracy as a universal remedy for all political troubles has turned useless in the modern political environment facing the challenge of mass migration and the destabilizing effect related thereto. In addition, political regimes existing in Africa, Asia and Latin America as well as in the post-Soviet countries can be described as democratic to a very limited extent on the basis of such criteria as separation of power, rule of law, civil rights and freedoms, fair elections, etc. As far as Islamic civilization is concerned, despite certain formal democratic characteristics existing in some Islamic states, such states could hardly be called truly democratic. Discussion and conclusions. It is required to revise the key criteria for democracy subject to recent political, economic, social and demographic transformations, paying special attention to the importance of the civilizational and religious factors for democratic developments in the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.


  • The article contains the analysis of democracy in today’s environment under the influence of the ideology of new liberalism and globalism pursued by the governments of the EU, subject to the migration and civilizational factors

  • As far as Islamic civilization is concerned, despite certain formal democratic characteristics existing in some Islamic states, such states could hardly be called truly democratic

  • It is required to revise the key criteria for democracy subject to recent political, economic, social and demographic transformations, paying special attention to the importance of the civilizational and religious factors for democratic developments in the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America

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Новолиберализм и глобализм родные сестры

Что страны исламской цивилизации несравненно более невосприимчивы к демократическим ценностям, чем. Еще два-три десятка лет назад гуманитарии разных направлений, в том числе и в России, прогнозировали, что процветание и успех в экономике и в науке США и стран Европы (включая Россию) послужит примером и для стран исламской цивилизации. В любой исламской стране, даже таких сравнительно передовых, как Турция, Египет, Тунис, Алжир и т.д., роль религии и духовенства, несомненно, более значима, чем в любой христианско-конфуцианской или буддистской цивилизации. Что не более чем в 25-30 государствах, из ныне существующих (в настоящее время в мире около 200 стран), установлен реальный политический режим – демократии. Конституция этих стран четко закрепляет светский характер этих государств, принципы разделения властей, доминирующую роль органов представительной демократии, самостоятельность исполнительных и независимость судебных органов, широкие права и свободы граждан, защищенность социально-экономических институтов, права на собственность, многопартийность, многокультурность, многоукладность экономики, индивидуализм и конкурентность в общественно-политической жизни.

Materials and methods
Discussion and conclusions
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