
1. Two species of Lepidostrobus are described, L. coulteri Jongmans and a new species, L. noei Mathews from Kentucky. Two specimens of the former are described in detail, since nothing was known previously about the structure of the axis of that species. A description and several diagnoses are made on the basis of sections. The size, the presence of a heel, the extension of the leaf traces high into the lamina, together with a well-developed parichnos seem to distinguish these specimens from other described cones. The five cones in the collection suggest a classification among homosporous Lepidostrobi. 2. L. noei, sp. nov., is unique in that it shows many features not yet observed in other forms. The middle cortex shows the trabeculate structure quite well, although the parichnos does not extend beyond the central portion of the outer cortex. The heel is absent. The cone is heterosporous, the microsporophylls occupying the upper one-third of the cone and the megasporophylls the lower two-thirds. No differ...

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