
Abstract : Large engineering constructions and first-order geodetic control nets often require a relative accuracy of 10 to the minus 6th power or better in positioning of survey points. A team from the University of New Brunswick has developed new instruments for precision alignment surveys and for engineering and geodetic leveling which satisfy the demands for accuracy. Prototypes of integrating centering detectors have been designed and constructed which allow alignment of laser beams with an accuracy of 0.2 sec of arc in a turbulent atmosphere over distances of a few kilometers. Two types of laser plummets have been developed to set a laser beam in a vertical direction with an accuracy of 0.5 sec of arc or better. A He-Ne laser has been adapted to a conventional self-aligning level giving a standard error of 0.7 mm/km in determination of a difference in elevation. A new type of laser level has been constructed which gives new possibilities for precision leveling. (Author)

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