
<p>新冠肺炎疫情帶給醫療體系巨大衝擊,未來將進入新常態的時代,因此111-112年度醫療品質及病人安全工作目標納入了這三年的經驗與新法。目標一的重點是強化推動醫療團隊合作,並從政策的訊息發布與溝通來強化醫療團隊合作。目標二強調要建立醫療人員與醫療機構的韌性,預防醫療暴力事件的發生。另外醫療人員要認知資訊存在的病安風險、強化相關通報。目標三新增的重點為「落實手術麻醉整合照護,強化團隊合作」,並鼓勵術後加速恢復,以提升手術安全。目標四強調以團隊合作提供安全照護,預防病人跌倒。目標六增加推廣乾洗手設備,醫院應訂有重大疫情之因應機制。目標八後疫情的醫病溝通,要以多元數位模式與時俱進。新增目標九維護孕產兒安全,強調高危險妊娠辨識與處理能力。期望修訂後的醫療品質及病人安全工作目標能引導醫院在後疫情時代之病人安全有新的展望。</p> <p> </p><p>In view of the severe impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the arrival of the new normal, the 2022–2023 Annual Taiwan Patient Safety Goals for Hospitals have incorporated the experience gained in the past 3 years to adopt new practices. Goal 1 emphasizes strengthening the promotian of TRM (Team Resource Management), through the communication and dissemination of policyrelated information. Goal 2 emphasizes enhancing the resilience of healthcare professionals and organizations, and to prevent medical violence. In addition, healthcare professionals should be aware of the information-related patient safety risks and strengthen reporting of such risks. Goal 3 new aims to "implement integrated care of surgical anesthesia and strengthen teamwork," encouraging enhanced recovery after surgery to improve surgical safety. Goal 4 emphasizes the importance of teamwork in the provision of safe care, which is crucial to the prevention of fall incidents. Goal 6 promotes the use of hand sanitizers, advocating the establishment of response measures for critical epidemic diseases in healthcare organizations. Goal 8 moves with time to use the multi-digital modes to facilitate doctor-patient communication in the post-pandemic era. New goal 9 is to maintain safe maternal and newborn care, emphasizing the ability to identify and deal with high-risk pregnancies. Revisions made to the Annual Taiwan Patient Safety Goals for Hospitals are expected to guide healthcare organizations in improving post-pandemic patient safety.</p> <p> </p>

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