
This research paper examines the implementation and consequences of the introduced labor codes, in India. These codes aim to modernize and streamline the framework governing employment relations in the country. The study takes an approach combining a review of existing literature, analysis of policies and empirical investigations to assess how these changes impact employee rights, welfare and working conditions. The paper closely analyzes provisions within the labor codes that cover wages, social security, industrial relations and occupational safety. Special attention is given to how these provisions affect groups in the workforce such as gig economy workers. To gather insights for this study both quantitative data from surveys and qualitative information from interviews and focus group discussions are utilized. The findings reveal a range of outcomes with both effects and potential drawbacks for employees. While there are benefits in terms of formalizing the sector and making it easier to conduct business concerns remain regarding job security erosion reduced bargaining power and increased potential, for exploitation—especially among marginalized individuals

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