
The Göllüdağ obsidian lava flow system is relatively complex. More than ten different obsidian outcrops and knapping workshops have been identified around this volcano. Their importance for long and short distances obsidian supply has already been demonstrated. One of the main problem encountered when studying the Göllüdağ obsidian flows, is the great chemical similarity of some of them. The use of the geochemical approach to solve the problems of obsidian trade around the Göllüdağ is therefore insufficient. A multi-disciplinary program joining archaeology, geochemistry and geomorphology, was thus started to understand the relationships between the different obsidian flows and to draw the pattern of the Göllüdağ obsidian trade. Our archaeological and geomorphologic approach will help us to understand which obsidian outcrops were available during the Palaeolithic and Neolithic periods. Also our geomorphologic approach, linked to intensive geochemical analyses, will help us to understand the spatial variability of the geochemistry of the obsidian outcrops. Lithic technology will also give information about the different knapping methods used at the workshops.

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