
The purpose of the summer's field work was twofold: (a) to search for native iron and sulphide mineral assemblages in the northem extension of the Kitdlit dyke (Fundal, 1975; Pedersen, 1977a & 'a' in figs 10 & 11) and other related (sediment contaminated) dykes, and (b) to map the surrounding area as a contribution to the map sheet Diskofjord (69 V. 1 N, fig. 2). About 600 km2 were mapped in detail and 1500 km2 briefly surveyed.


  • Amphibolite facies gneisses and metasediments of Precambrian age, constituting the north-south trending Disko gneiss ridge, are exposed where deep valleys transect the plateau basalts

  • In places the Precambrian rocks are overlain by Cretaceous-Tertiary sediments which appear in a few exposures of arkose on the eastem flank of the gneiss ridge

  • Most basalts belong to the Rinks Dal Member of the Maligat Formation but in the west (Ioc. 1, fig. 10) they are overlain by at least 160 m of lavas of the Nordfjard Member

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Regional geology

Amphibolite facies gneisses and metasediments of Precambrian age, constituting the north-south trending Disko gneiss ridge, are exposed where deep valleys transect the plateau basalts. Most basalts belong to the Rinks Dal Member of the Maligat Formation (for stratigraphical subdivision of the lava sequence see Hald & Pedersen, 1975; Pedersen, 1975) but in the west The lavas of the Rinks Dal Member form a manotonous sequence af mainly plagioc1ase-(olivine) glomerophyric tholeiitic basalts with subordinate amounts of aphyric or slightly plagioclase microporphyric basalts and only very few olivine-rich tholeiitic basalts. Slight differences in flow morphology and in weathering colour, visible in good light, have made it possibIe to trace several marker horizons over long distances This infers considerable lateral uniformity of the lava sequence. East of the gneiss ridge the lowermost exposed lavas of the Rinks Dal Member grade into a sequence of pillow breccia. This land surfaee is thought to be post-eruption al but

8Nordfjord member Rinks Dal member with a marker honzon
Sediment contaminated dykes
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