
With use of a 6-form field strength of ten-dimensional type IIA supergravity over AdS_4 x CP^3, when S^7/Z_k is considered as a S^1 Hopf fibration on CP^3, we earn a fully localized solution in the bulk of Euclideanized AdS_4. Indeed, this object appears in the external space because of wrapping a D4(M5)-brane over some parts of the respective internal spaces. Interestingly, this supersymmetry breaking SU(4)x U(1)-singlet mode exists in already known spectra when one uses the 8_c gravitino representation of SO(8). To adjust the boundary theory, we should swap the original 8_s and 8_c representations for supercharges and fermions in the Aharony-Bergman-Jafferis-Maldacena model. The procedure could later be interpreted as adding an anti-D4(M5)-brane to the prime N=6 membrane theory resulting in a N=0 antimembrane theory while other symmetries are preserved. Then, according to the well-known state-operator correspondence rules, we find a proper dual operator with the conformal dimension of {\Delta}=3 that matches to the bulk massless pseudoscalar state. After that, by making use of some fitting ansatzs for the used matter fields, we arrive at an exact boundary solution and comment on the other related issues as well.

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