
The Percé area offers the unique occurrence of Middle Cambrian shallow-marine carbonate rocks in the Quebec Re-entrant. The Corner-of-the-Beach Formation of latest Middle Cambrian age consists of oolitic grainstone with subordinate lime mudstone and microbial thrombolite and is interpreted to record shallow-marine, carbonate plat- form margin facies. The overlying Murphy Creek Formation of early Late Cambrian (Dresbachian) age consists of a rhythmic succession of siliciclastic mudstone with minor sandstone, limestone, dolostone and two intervals of lime- stone conglomerate. The Murphy Creek Formation is interpreted as a below-wave-base slope deposit. The Cor- ner-of-the-Beach Formation is time and facies correlative with the lower part of the Port au Port Group in western Newfoundland whereas the Murphy Creek Formation is time correlative with the lowermost unit of the Cow Head Group and with the Cooks Brook Formation although, with respect to facies, correlation is more straightforward with the Cooks Brook Formation.

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