
Microorganisms use siderophores to obtain iron from the environment. In pathogenic interactions, siderophores are involved in iron acquisition from the host and are sometimes necessary for the expression of full virulence. This review summarizes the main data describing the role of these iron scavengers in animal and plant defence systems. To protect themselves against iron theft, mammalian hosts have developed a hypoferremia strategy that includes siderophore-binding molecules called siderocalins. In addition to microbial ferri-siderophore sequestration, siderocalins are involved in triggering immunity. In plants, no similar mechanisms have been described and many fewer data are available, although recent advances have shed light on the role of siderophores in plant-pathogen interactions. Siderophores can trigger immunity in plants in several contexts. The most frequently described situation involving siderophores is induced systemic resistance (ISR) triggered by plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria. Although ISR responses have been observed after treating roots with certain siderophores, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Immunity can also be triggered by siderophores in leaves. Siderophore perception in plants appears to be different from the well-known perception mechanisms of other microbial compounds, known as microbe-associated molecular patterns. Scavenging iron per se appears to be a novel mechanism of immunity activation, involving complex disturbance of metal homeostasis. Receptor-specific recognition of siderophores has been described in animals, but not in plants. The review closes with an overview of the possible mechanisms of defence activation, via iron scavenging by siderophores or specific siderophore recognition by the plant host.

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