
♂♀. Integument black, with brown scaling ; the pronotum with two indefinite paler stripes ; the elytra with vague paler markings which sometimes form a very ill-defined band across the middle, broadly interrupted at the suture.Head with the forehead divided into four areas by three deep sulci, the straight median one slightly narrower than the others, which are shallow in front and much deeper behind, curving at first inwards and then transversely outwards, so as to separate the lateral areas from the vertex ; the frontal areas of approximately the same width anteriorly, the median pair broader in front than behind and continuous with the vertex, the outer pair dilated and obtusely elevated behind, not projecting over the eyes ; the surface, when denuded of scales, with numerous minute punctures and sparse larger ones ; the eyes strongly convex, deepest behind the middle. Rostrum transverse (3 : 2), almost parallel-sided, the transverse basal incision very broad and deep ; the dorsum with a low median carina which begins to fork at or a little beyond its middle, and which at the base is as high as the narrowly separated areas on each side of it ; adjoining the carina a more or less deep curved impression, and a shallow oblique furrow on each side in the basal half ; the posterior margin of the epistome not higher than the median carina. Antennae with joint 1 of the funicle twice as long as 2, 3–7 a little longer than broad, 3–5 of equal width, 6 and 7 each becoming wider. Prothorax transverse (8 : 5), very strongly rounded (almost obtusely subangulate) at the sides, widest well before the middle, and scarcely constricted near the apex ; the apical margin truncate or shallowly sinuate, the base truncate ; the dorsum very convex longitudinally, highest at the middle, coarsely and confluently foveate, and with an abbreviated low median carina ; the scales small, subcircular and closely placed ; the setae short, scale-like and recumbent.

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