
At present, the first recourse for the scholar who finds it necessary to conduct musical research in Spain and Portugal is the International Association of Music Libraries' Directory of Music Research Libraries, Part III: Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, edited by Rita Benton (Iowa City, 1972. RISM, Series C/III). This directory is a very valuable tool and can, if utilized thoroughly, save much time and frustration. A supplement to Benton's directory, covering fifteen Spanish libraries, was published by Maurice Esses in Fontes Artis Musicae 26 (1979): 189-91. While much of the information in this combination of aids is not yet hopelessly out of date, many changes have taken place in the last few years and during a recent research trip to the Iberian Penisula I discovered that some of the earlier data was now either incomplete or incorrect.' In the interest of easing accessibility to at least the archives and libraries included in my sojurn, I offer this second update. The focus of my research was the music of Tomas Luis de Victoria and, therefore, only those libraries and archives which were known to have significant holdings of original prints and/or early manuscripts of Victoria's music, or were in close geographical proximity to such institutions, were visited and are listed here. The index is arranged alphabetically by location; numbers and abbreviations refer to the entries in the Directory of Music Research Libraries under E: Espafia and P: Portugal and to entries in other volumes of the RISM series.

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