
The poorly known pleurodiran turtle ‘Stereogenys’ libyca (Podocnemididae, Erymnochelyinae) is studied in this paper. It was defined in lower Oligocene levels of the Fayum Depression (Egypt), its presence in the upper Eocene levels of the same area being confirmed here. Its holotype corresponds to an almost complete and well preserved shell, that was until recently considered to be lost. No photograph of material attributable to this species had hitherto been published. Thus, the current knowledge about it was exclusively based on the limited information published more than a century ago. The recently rediscovered holotype, and also more than fifteen additional historical but unpublished specimens recognized here as attributable to this species, are studied in this paper. This species is attributed to a new genus, Andrewsemys, and the new combination Andrewsemys libyca is proposed.http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6D87831A-4510-4A3E-A624-C40FD644F448

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