
The Maxima 3D is located approximately 300 km from the north-west coast of Australia, within the Brecknock–Scott Reef anticlinal trend, at the margin of the Scott Plateau and Caswell Sub-basin. The survey was acquired with eight overlapping swaths in and around the Scott Reef, which is a large carbonate build-up on the present-day seafloor. The area within and around the reef trend represents a significant challenge for imaging, involving complex survey acquisition, very shallow to deep water depths and strong velocity distortion associated with the present-day carbonate build-up. In light of this, CGG undertook a reprocessing test of a swath of the Maxima 3D, to apply the latest processing techniques and demonstrate the potential imaging uplift in a very challenging area. The enhanced data swath has led to a step change in interpretation capabilities for the data, resulting in the identification of what is inferred to be a Late Triassic, isolated reef build-up, on a structural high that developed contemporaneous with early basin formation. These Late Triassic reefal build-ups have been identified by CGG within a number of large complexes, through a comprehensive review of the Triassic prospectivity potential, and represent an emerging play type for the North West Shelf.

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