
Colostrum is secreted by the mammal’s glandules during the first days after parturition, it is rich in nutrients and bioactive molecules. This first milk is essential to guarantee the growth and immunity of the newborn, in addition to a balanced nutrition. The high immunoglobulin content in colostrum is responsible for the passive immunity from mother to child. Normally, the production of bovine colostrum (BC) in dairy farms is higher than the calf’s necessity and there is not enough knowledge about the potential of this product; consequently, the spare quantity is discarded. Nowadays researchers have investigated the BC potential as a therapeutic or nutraceutical product, although the spreading of this colostrum potential needs to be more effective among the producers. This chapter reviews the colostrum composition which presents some mechanisms to transfer the passive immunity in different species as well as the potential of colostrum for human and animal therapy.

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