
Work on studying and creation of new grades of onions cultures was carried out in the Moscow region, the Odintsovo district, FGBNU «Federal scientific center of vegetable growing». As a result of long-term researches, and in particular, for the last five years in laboratory of selection and seed farming of onions cultures more than ten grades were created. From them one grade of garlic winter Lyudmila, one grade of the onion reddening the Charodey, one grade of shallot onion the Dachnaya sonata. Of onions the reddening Charodey was entered in the State register of selection achievements of the Russian Federation in 2018, garlic winter Lyudmila in 2019. In selection work with garlic winter and and shallot onion used a method of clonal selection. In collection nursery of garlic winter 200 exemplars of various eko-geographical origin were used. In 2016 the perspective exemplar of garlic winter at No. 78 which was registered further as a grade Lyudmila was allocated, its bulbs can be used for receiving powder and paste. The collection nursery of an shallot onion for years of researches was presented by 45 high-quality exemplars of various eko-geographical origin. Also in 2018 the perspective exemplar of an shallot onion at No. 39 was allocated and transferred to the State commission on grades the same year under the name the Dachnaya sonata. Now a shallot onion grade the Dachnaya sonata passes test in State commission on grades. It should be noted that in collection nursery of laboratory of selection and seed farming of onions cultures exemplars were allocated: garlic winter, onions many-tier, garlic onions (rockamball), Welsh onion on the main economic and valuable signs: high winter hardiness, high food qualities, resistance to diseases and wreckers, good ability of bulbs to be stored up to ten months (garlic winter, garlic onions). Now further selection work on creation of new grades and maintaining of the grades created earlier is conducted.

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