
Under the Australian Government’s Energy Security Program, Geoscience Australia is conducting a seismic survey and a marine reconnaissance survey to acquire new geophysical data and obtain geological samples in frontier basins along the southwest Australian continental margin. Specific areas of interest include the Mentelle Basin, northern Perth Basin, Wallaby Plateau and the southern Carnarvon Basin. The regional seismic survey will acquire 8,000–10,000 km of industry-standard 2D reflection seismic data using an 8 km solid streamer and a 12 second record length, together with gravity and magnetic data. These new geophysical datasets, together with over 7,000 km of reprocessed open-file seismic, will facilitate more detailed mapping of the regional geology, determination of total sediment thickness, interpretation of the nature and thickness of crust beneath the major depocentres, modelling of the tectonic evolution and an assessment of the petroleum prospectivity of frontier basins along the southwest margin. The overall scientific aim of the marine survey is to collect swath bathymetry, potential field data, geological samples and biophysical data. Together with the new seismic data, samples recovered from frontier basins will assist in understanding the geological setting and petroleum prospectivity of these little known areas. Preliminary results from both surveys will be presented for the first time at this conference.

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