
Abstract Background Changes in technologies and standards of life leads to the fact that each generation is very different from the previous one. Modification of generations affects the quality and the development of medicine. Current medical students are our future doctors. And changes in health care will be made by them soon. So, their views will influence the development of health care system in the future. Therefore, it is important for us to understand how today's graduates see their future work and what is important for them. Methods The opinions of 720 final year medical students were investigated using an anonymous questionnaire in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22 program by the following methods (p < 0.05): descriptive statistics, decision trees analysis, χ2-test. Results Medicine have to change rapidly in accordance with the demands of new generations. Only in such case, current graduates of medical schools would like to work in practice medicine in the future. In this work, factors that are important for the work of modern students were investigated. Such posers were examined: the opportunities to work in rural areas and the basis for such decisions, the choice of future doctors' specialty, the young doctors' self-confidence and how much time they need experienced doctors' support as mentors. To avoid further staff shortages, we have to take into account the needs and priorities of today's graduates. Conclusions Practically all of the graduates are not ready to work alone immediately after medical school graduation - 97.0% of them report that they need a mentor. In addition, the majority of them prefer to work with mentor for a year or more (80.5%). Practically half of the students are ready to work in rural areas (49.5%); the most important factors that influence their decision are salary, free housing and clinic's equipment (important for 53.4%, 35.9% and 26.5% of the graduates, respectively). Key messages The majority of the graduates are not ready to work alone immediately after medical school graduation and need a mentor for a year or more. Increased salary, free housing and good clinic’s equipment may attract the medical graduates to work in rural areas.

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