
We construct a new family of boson coherent states using a specially designed function which is a solution of a functional equation dε(q,x)/dx=ε(q,qx) with 0⩽q⩽1 and ε(q,0)=1. We use this function in place of the usual exponential to generate new coherent states |q,z〉 from the vacuum, which are normalized and continuous in their label z. These states allow the resolution of unity, and a corresponding weight function is furnished by the exact solution of the associated Stieltjes moment problem. They also permit exact evaluation of matrix elements of an arbitrary polynomial given as a normally-ordered function of boson operators. We exemplify this by showing that the photon number statistics for these states is sub-Poissonian. For any q<1 the states |q,z〉 are squeezed; we obtain and discuss their signal to quantum noise ratio. The function ε(q,x) allows a natural generation of multiboson coherent states of arbitrary multiplicity, which is impossible for the usual coherent states. For q=1 all the above results reduce to those for conventional coherent states. Finally, we establish a link with q-deformed bosons.

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