
Frons and scape rosy pink; vertex yellowish buff; labial palpus on outer surface rosy pink, on inner surface yellowish buff; maxillary palpus yellowish buff; antenna of male very narrowly bipectinate, light buff; thorax and abdomen above rosy pink with some buff scales; body beneath whitish buff; legs light yellowish buff. Forewing above light yellowish buff; costa broadly pink in basal third; sparse fuscous dusting in basal angle; traces of a fuscous discocellular bar; a fuscous postmedial line, concave outward opposite cell, convex and wavy from M2, to Cu2, then retracted nearly to base of Cu2, then wavy and oblique inward to inner margin; entire space beyond postmedial line deep rosy pink except for a narrow yellow crescent on outer margin in front of tornus; fringe yellow. Hind wing above yellowish buff; a small fuscous sub-basal patch; a fuscous postmedial line, excurved to Cu1, then broken, irregular and obsolescent; space beyond postmedial line rosy pink from apex to Cu1. Markings of under surface like those of upper surface, but pink areas replaced by violaceous grey. Expanse 19 mm.

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