
Ten Fusarium species within the Gibberella fujikuroi complex are described and illustrated as new species: F. acutatum ex Triticum sp. (wheat) and Cajanus sp.,F. begoniae ex Begonia elatior hybrid, F. circinatum ex Pinus spp. and its teleomorph G. circinata, F. concentricum ex Musa sapientum (banana) and Nilaparvata lugens (Asian brown leaf hopper), F. denticulatum ex Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato), F. guttiforme ex Ananas comosus (pineapple), F. phyllophilum ex Dracaena, Sansevieria and Gasteria spp., F. pseudocircinatum ex Solanum sp. as well as Pinus kesiya and Heteropsylla incisa, F. pseudonygamai ex Pennisetum typhoides (millet) and F. ramigenum ex Ficus carica (figs). One variety, F. sacchari var. elongatum ex Nerine bowdenii, Vallota sp. and Haemanthus sp. is given species rank as F. bulbicola. A neotype is designated for F. lactis, a pathogen of Ficus carica. A key to the described species is provided.

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