
AbstractThe MX packages developed by COGEMA Logistics according to TS-R-1 requirements will replace older Current packaging to transport fresh pressurised water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) mixed oxide (MOX) fuels in Europe. Two types of package have been developed: (1) MX8 with a capacity of eight 17 × 17 900 MWe PWR fuel assemblies for dry loading and underwater unloading operations; and (2) MX6 for dry loading and unloading operations. The capacity of the MX6 is six 16 × 16 or 18 × 18 PWR fuel assemblies or sixteen 10 × 10 BWR fuel assemblies. To meet these capacities requirements, an innovative and optimised design has led to ‘mid-weight’ packages with original solutions for the body, the baskets and the fuel restraining system. To cope with both capacity and legal weight transport requirements, a new high-security transport system has been developed simultaneously. The first shipment with MX8 was made in December 2001, and the first use of MX6 packages is scheduled for the end of 2003.

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