
AbstractMetal chalcogenides and metal chalcogenide halides are distinguished by their structural diversity and by their very different physical properties. Therefore, the synthesis of novel compounds from this class is always a rewarding goal for the preparatively oriented solid‐state chemist. Over the past few years, many syntheses and structural investigations have stimulated the field. The emphasis of the research has been placed on selenium‐rich and tellurium‐rich compounds, which are characterized by directed covalent bonds between the chalcogen atoms. Compounds with novel chalcogen polycations have also become accessible during the past few years by reacting the chalcogen elements with transition metal halides, or from chemical vapor deposition in the sense of chemical transport reactions. In these compounds, tellurium differs from its lighter homologues by a pronounced tendency towards greater covalence. This article attmepts to provide an overview of new developments in the field of compounds with chalcogen polycations and of metal chalcogenide halides, with an emphasis on compounds containing molybdenum and tungsten as the transition metals and tellurium as the chalcogen.

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