
The presented 11th part of the series includes 15 new records of vascular plants from Hungary, Slovakia and Ukrainian Carpathians. In Hungary, second country record of Rapistrum rugosum, Amaranthus emarginatus subsp. emarginatus and Pyrus betulifolia were reported. In Slovakia, new localities of Lathyrus hirsutus and seven alien Euphorbia maculata, Nigella damascena, Geranium macrorrhizum, G. purpureum, Pseudofumaria lutea, Ruta graveolens and Salvia sclarea were recorded. Guizotia abyssinica and Lupinus angustifolius are new aliens for the flora of Slovakia. From the Ukrainian Carpathians new findings of Arabidopsis neglecta and Scorzoneroides pseudotaraxaci were recorded. URL: https://www.upjs.sk/pracoviska/botanicka-zahrada/odborne-aktivity/contents-abstracts/

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