
ABSTRACT Early Miocene floridatraguline camels are characterized by having an elongate snout, shallow and narrow symphysial area, and relatively primitive dentitions. Their fossil record is restricted to subtropical assemblages including the Hemingfordian Thomas Farm Local Fauna (L. F.) in Florida, the Zoyotal L. F. in Mexico, and the Arikareean Castolon L. F. in Texas. Here we describe the first floridatraguline camels from the early Miocene Las Cascadas Formation, Panama Canal area, Central America. We describe two new species that are similar to Aguascalientia wilsoni from the Zoyotal L. F. in having (1) a primitive lower dental formula, (2) brachydont teeth, (3) an unusually elongate jaw with caniniform c1 and p1 that are well separated by a diastema, (4) a long and narrow mandibular symphysis, (5) lower molars with small intercolumnar pillars, (6) an m3 hypoconulid divided by lingual and labial selenes, and (7) no diastema between p2 and p3. Aguascalientia panamaensis, sp. nov., and Aguascalientia minuta, sp. nov., are represented by partial lower dentitions and isolated upper molars. Both new species are distinct from A. wilsoni in having (1) p1 and c1 similar in size, (2) less inflected paraconids on lower premolars, and (3) less reduced premolars. Interpreted primitive characters are similar to a small, unnamed camel from the earliest Miocene Buda L. F. of Florida (middle late Arikareean NALMA). The Las Cascadas fossil assemblage probably constitutes a distinctive Arikareean (Ar3–Ar4) faunal province characterized by the arrival of northern immigrants into a small continental basin connected with North American continental terrains.

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