
Numerous studies have been carried out during last 20-25 years by different agencies to trace the courses of palaeo river Sarasvati. Varying number of courses of river Sarasvati have been suggested by the different workers in the north-western region. Taking advantage of the developments in satellite/ sensor and digital image processing technologies an attempt has been made to rediscover the course of river Sarasvati and solve the controversy regarding its exact course, in the sand covered Thar desert region. Data available from a variety of ground investigations carried out by different agencies working in this area have been analyzed in support of confirmation of palaeo channels, along the courses mapped under the present study. The results indicate that the river Sarasvati had its course through river Ghaggar and did not drain along the Aravalli hills. Also it did not shift its course drastically and continuously from east to west, as suggested by earlier workers. The image anomalies indicate that river Sarasvati flowed parallel to the river Indus as an independent river system (closer to the north-western Indian border) and did not flow through present course of river Nara. The findings raise the doubt that ‘Rise along Delhi-Hardwar ridge’ as suggested by earlier workers was the main cause for west-ward shift of Sarasvati river and ultimate drainage desiccation in the northwestern region. The analysis indicates towards rise in Himalayas/ Siwaliks and consequent displacements in the Siwaliks and its foot hills region (in the form of Yamuna and Satlej tear faults) as the main cause for drainage desiccation and disappearance of river Sarasvati.

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