
ABSTRACT The present study is based on oribatid mite materials collected from Arsi Mountains National Park, Ethiopia, in 2021. A list of 43 species, belonging to 29 genera and 22 families, is presented; of these, three species (Scutovertex evansi, Scheloribates rugiceps and Pilogalumna arabica) are reported for the first time in the Ethiopian fauna. One new species—Antarctozetes behanpelletierae Ermilov sp. nov. (Punctoribatidae) – is described. An identification key to the known species of Antarctozetes from the Afrotropical region is provided. http://www.zoobank.org/rurn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A480AE7B-B8BD-441B-A39A-4DBD21C3ED66

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