
Gulgastrura reticulosa, first described by Yosii (1966) as a monotypic new genus from a Korean limestone cave, was reviewed for its systematic position by cladistic analysis of morphological characteristics, investigation of its intermaulting period and reproductive cycle as well as allozyme and 18S rDNA analysis. The great extent of divergence was strongly suggested by its combined lack of sensory organs (third antennal organ, postantennal organ, eyes, pseudocelli) with simultaneous development of an ‘apical organ’ at the tip of the antennae. The obvious divergence from any existing Collembola families was additionally supported by the extremely prolonged intermoulting period as well as by the low strap value it showed with Onychiuridae as obtained by 18S DNA sequence analysis. All these were considered justifying the creation of a new family, Gulgastruridae, but still revealing more allied to Onychiuridae rather than to Hypogastruridae

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