
The standard maximum likelihood estimator of censored regression models is constructed under the assumption of the normal distribution and it yields inefficient results in case of non-normal asymmetric data or/and presence of outlier(s). In the analysis of censored real-life data encountered in many disciplines such as finance, medical sciences, and engineering, there is often a violation of the assumption of normality. In this paper, we propose a generalization of the censored normal regression based on the extended normal distribution (EGT). The generalized model, with two additional shape parameters as a and b, includes classical Tobit model for a = 0 and b = 0 and Alpha-Power Tobit model for a = 1. It provides very flexible estimation in cases symmetric-asymmetric data and especially in case non-normal asymmetric data or/and presence of outlier(s). In addition, Lehmann type II-G Tobit model (LTII-GT) is also proposed for b = 1 as a special case of generalization. The performance of proposed two new generalizations of Tobit, namely EGT and LTII-GT has been compared with Tobit, Alpha-Power Tobit, and classical estimators by means of a comprehensive Monte Carlo simulation study. The performance of proposed models' ML estimators is illustrated on a real data set. The superiority of the proposed estimators is shown.

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