
The purpose of this article is to further explore how the structure of the affine group can be used to deduce new incidence theorems, and to explore sum-product type applications of these incidence bounds, building on the recent work of Rudnev and Shkredov (On growth rate in $$SL_{2}(\mathbb {F}_p)$$ , the affine group and sum-product type implications, 2018. arXiv:1812.01671 ). We bound the energy of several systems of lines, in some cases obtaining a better energy bound than the corresponding bounds in Rudnev and Shkredov by exploiting a connection with collinear quadruples. Our motivation for seeking to generalise and improve the incidence bound from Rudnev and Shkredov comes from possible applications to sum-product problems. For example, we prove that, for any finite $$A \subset {\mathbb {R}}$$ the following superquadratic bound holds: This improves on a bound with exponent 2 that was given in Rudnev and Shkredov. We also give a threshold-beating asymmetric sum-product estimate for sets with small sum set by proving that there exists a positive constant c such that for all finite $$A,B \subset {\mathbb {R}}$$ ,

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