
The purpose of this study is to find out a new era in the supply chain of the food retail business in Indonesia. The development of the number of retail food actors is a phenomenon that occurs due to the support for the ease of opening retail food. Factors that support the growth of retail food at this time is the high level of mobility of people who are busy demanding speed and practicality, in any case, is no exception to the fulfilment of basic needs such as food. In the era of disruption, business change is very visible, the way of doing business which used to emphasize owning (ownership) becomes sharing (sharing roles, collaboration resources). The existence of phenomena such as go food, go send, go shop, goat, grab food, and other application-based media are developing in the latest era. This phenomenon changes the view of the supply chain, one of which is affected by the retail food business. The discussion in this research is about a new era in which there are supply chains, food retail business, the role of technology, marketing, distribution channels, and descriptive effectiveness. The study was conducted using qualitative descriptive methods, namely using literature or literature studies, using journals, books, magazines, and the web that are relevant to research. The conclusion in this research is the development in this era in distribution, warehousing, transportation, and services in food retailing supported by internet application-based providers including go food, grab food, etc. making it easier for retailers and consumers to transact. The development of this new era experienced many improvements in terms of delivery, cost, and time so that the more days the more effective the supply chain in the food retail industry.

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