
A new equation of state for air was obtained on the basis of the experimental results of Amagat and Witkowski as follows : ν=29·27 T/P+1·09059·10-3-8·50053·10-3r1·64+4·25852·10-9Pr24·9-6·27588·10-16p2r2·92+2·78867·10-23P3r3·17 where P is pressure kg/m2, T=273·16+t is absolute temperature °K, t is temperature °C, ν is specific volume m3/kg, r=100/T. This equation is valid to 1, 000 at above 0°C, to 120 at above -35°C, to 80 at above -80°C and to 40 at above -100°C. Calculation was made of the numerical values of ν, i and s from this equation and its derived equations, and it was constructed Mollier's diagram and temperature-entropy diagram. The calculated values of specific heat at constant pressure is in accord satisfactorily with various experimenal results.

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