
Researchers use the improvement strategies to enhance the current version of optimization algorithms to establish the right balance between local and global search phases to escape from a local minimum in some NP-hard problems. Colliding Bodies Optimization (CBO) and its enhanced version (ECBO) use the concept of mass and energy conservation law based on Newtonian Classic Physics. The quality of mentioned algorithm performance can be improved by changing how the bodies collide with each other. New enhanced colliding bodies Optimization (NECBO) moves all bodies towards the best solution in consecutive iterations to increase the chance of accessing a better solution and exploring all promised solution space. In this paper, the recently developed meta-heuristic algorithm, so-called Enhanced Colliding Bodies Optimization (ECBO), and one new proposed version of ECBO (called NECBO), including a new mechanism for finding new solutions, and two hybrid versions of both methods mentioned above (ECBO, NECBO) are utilized for the optimal design of sloped-roof rigid frames with non-prismatic members. The steel sloped portal frames, or steel gable frames, are frequently used in industrial buildings, gyms, schools, colleges, fire stations, storages, hangars , and many other low-rise structures. The gable frames' weight and shape are considerably affected by the member cross-sections' properties. The optimization of steel portal frames with tapered web members is a hard NP problem because of discrete variables, multiple local optimum, and corresponding constraints. The obtained results show the capability of NECBO and its hybridized version with ECBO in find a better solution than the conventional ECBO and CBO. • New enhanced colliding bodies’ optimization (NECBO) is developed by altering how bodies colide each other. • Enhanced Colliding Bodies Optimization (ECBO) and the new proposed NECBO include a new mechanism for finding new solutions. • The hybrid version of both ECBO and NECBO are utilized for optimal design of gable frames with tapered members. • Optimization of gable rigid frames with tapered web members is performed. • Results obtained from this study show the capability of NECBO and its hybridized version with ECBO.

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