
This paper examines the “imaginaries” taking place in New Engineering Education (NEE). The NEE is the most recent reform of the engineering education sector in China and is used to interrogate the more encompassing backdrop of the country’s national imaginary, the “Chinese Dream.” Further, this paper analyzes three important policy documents that constitute the blueprint of the NEE. Drawing on Charles Taylor’s concept of the “social imaginary” and using critical discourse analysis, a close analysis of the discursive construction of the technological and national elements in the policy texts is carried out. This combinatory theoretical and analytical framework is used to examine how a normative vision and ideology of the development of engineering education is constructed as taking a “new” direction. In undertaking this policy analysis, this paper demonstrates how a rising power is revolutionizing its engineering education as a resource, coupled with the ideological “social (national) imagination” of the Chinese Dream, to extend its power and geopolitical positioning in a competitive and globalized economy.

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