
Ten new species of Anthurium (Araceae) are described from Amazonian Peru. Nine of the species, A. carpishense Croat, A. cerrateae Croat & Lingan, A. debilipeltatum Croat, A. josei Croat, A. linganii Croat, A. longissimilobum Croat, A. pradoense Croat, A. puberulum Croat & Lingan, and A. timplowmanii Croat, are from a single area of high endemism in the southern Huallaga River Valley of Huanuco Department near Tingo Maria, and the area between Tingo Maria and La Divisora; and one species, A. pulcachense Croat, is endemic to an area in the middle Rio Huallaga valley in San Martin, Peru.

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