
In this paper, we describe the new method of data encryption/decryption with selectable block and key length and hash function. The block size directly improves the efficiency but also impacts on memory complexity of the presented solution. The choice of hash function length results in computational complexity and complicates attacks using rainbow tables. The algorithm is a modification of SP (Substitution-Permutation) concept with the use of static S-blocks and dynamically indexed block permutation. In further step, usage of chosen operational modes of the method (ECB, CBC, CTR) is presented. In the article there is the example with all the algorithm parameters i.e. input and output data, key value, hash function type and set of all method internal states. The efficiency of the solution was experimentally examined and compared with the most popular bock cipher algorithms e.g. AES, Serpent, BlowFish, TwoFish. The obtained initial results indicate that the new method can be dedicated especially for systems with high security requirements. The paper conclusions contain propositions of algorithm implementation optimizations and further research.

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