
Organizational search has gained vast popularity among organization theorists alongside scholars in strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship. It aims to explain how firms learn from feedback and solve complex problems such as strategy formation, investment decisions, and technology adoption. Recent reviews point to the need for continued evolution in our understanding of search behavior by individuals and organizations, and suggest the importance of empirical work and incorporating perspectives such as managerial cognition to challenge assumptions in the current theory. In response to these calls, the purpose of this presenter symposium is to showcase new empirical research directions in organizational search by including four current studies with novel approaches. In addition, two experts with deep understanding of organizational search behavior discuss these studies and the overall theme of the symposium. Where AI is a Game Changer: Evidence from Chess Computers Presenter: Henning Piezunka; INSEAD Presenter: Fabian Gaessler; Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Fostering Individual-Level Ambidexterity with Heightened Sense of Power Presenter: Ece Ercel; ETH Zurich Presenter: Daniella Laureiro Martinez; ETH Zurich Presenter: Petra C. Schmid; ETH Zurich Do All Problems Have Solutions? Established Firms’ Search for External Technological Opportunities Presenter: Thomas M. Klueter; IESE Business School Presenter: Anindya Ghosh; Tilburg U. Presenter: Lori Rosenkopf; U. of Pennsylvania Resource Shocks and Organizational Search: The Role of Managerial Experience Presenter: Petteri Leppänen; Imperial College Business School Presenter: J.P. Eggers; New York U.

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