
Hypophosphatasia is a rare inherited metabolic disorder caused by the deficiency of tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase. More severe and early onset cases present symptoms of muscle weakness, diminished motor coordination, and epileptic seizures. These neurological manifestations are poorly characterized. Thus, it is urgent to discover novel differentially expressed genes for investigating the genetic mechanisms underlying the neurological manifestations of hypophosphatasia. RNA-sequencing data offer a high-resolution and highly accurate transcript profile. In this study, we apply an empirical Bayes model to RNA-sequencing data acquired from the spinal cord and neocortex tissues of a mouse model, individually, to more accurately estimate the genetic effects without bias. More importantly, we further develop two integration methods, weighted gene approach and weighted Z method, to incorporate two RNA-sequencing data into a model for enhancing the effects of genetic markers in the diagnostics of hypophosphatasia disease. The simulation and real data analysis have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed integration methods, which can maximize genetic signals identified from the spinal cord and neocortex tissues, minimize the prediction error, and largely improve the prediction accuracy in risk prediction.

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